Caring Conversations: Equipping Parents to Address Tween and Teen Vaping

River Studio | 804 Rio Grande Street
Who am I? How do I connect to others? How can I make a difference? As we may remember from our own adolescence, these are some of the questions our tweens and teens grapple with as they explore and experiment with ideas, identity, and relationships during middle school. Sometimes this exploration leads to use of alcohol and drugs.

Middle School Parents are invited to join therapist and educator Amber Jekot on Monday, March 4 at 6:30 p.m. in the Studio for a special Middle School-focused Parent Ed to learn about tween and teen vaping, including:
  • The way brain development impacts our kids’ decision-making skills
  • How the tech-centric world exacerbates our drive for dopamine and social rewards 
  • The physical and mental health risks of vaping and how vaping today differs from previous generations use of THC
  • Harm reduction approach that parents can use to talk to their tweens and teens about this difficult topic
Please note, Monday, March 4 is a Student-Led Conference Day and part of our larger Project Week. Due to the more sensitive nature of this topic, we will not be able to record this parent education session. However, if you are unable to attend, we will share a resource sheet in the updates following this event.

Spring Campus

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