Creek MAP Benchmark | BOY

Creek Campus | 9607 Brodie Ln., Austin, TX 78748
Elementary students in 1st through Upper Elementary will be participating in the beginning of the year (BOY) MAP benchmark. Click here to read the email sent by Tim about MAP at Headwaters.

When will my child take the fall benchmark?

  • Early Elementary will take the benchmark on Wednesday, September 4, and Thursday, September 5, at 8:45 a.m.
  • Early Elementary makeups will occur on Tuesday, September 10, and Wednesday, September 11, at 8:45 a.m.
  • Upper Elementary will take the benchmark on Monday, September 9, and Thursday, September 12, at 8:45 a.m.
  • Upper Elementary makeups will occur on Monday, September 16, and Tuesday, September 17, at 8:45 a.m.
  • First graders will take the benchmark on Thursday, September 19, and Friday, September 20, at 8:45 a.m.
  • First grader makeups will occur on Tuesday, September 2, and Wednesday, September 25, at 8:45 a.m.


What is the MAP Benchmark?

In alignment with our Purpose, Promise, and Pact, we strive for our students to think expansively and take intellectual risks. As we prepare our students for the world of tomorrow, Headwaters has selected the MAP Growth benchmark to improve learning through the analysis of data based on national norms. In thinking about alignment across grades, and making sure that we have a baseline understanding of our students strengths in reading, language, and mathematics.

MAP is a computer adaptive assessment, which means every student gets a unique set of questions based on responses to previous questions. As the student answers correctly, questions get harder. If the student answers incorrectly, the questions get easier. Please note that students’ MAP scores cannot be compared; each students’ assessment is unique to that student and their respective abilities, which makes it especially useful in helping guides to understand points of strength and spaces for growth. More information about the MAP Assessment for Growth here.

What is a percentile ranking?

The percentile ranking is a comparison between your child’s score in relation to the others that have taken the benchmark. The percentile tells you where the student scored in comparison with other students in the same grade across the country. For example, if a student's percentile rank was 65, that means the student scored as well or better than 65 percent of other students in the same grade across the country.

What is a RIT score?

Rasch UnIT  is a measurement scale developed to simplify the interpretation of scores. If RIT growth reaches its projection, the percentile ranking will remain the same. If RIT growth exceeds its projection, the percentile ranking will rise. If RIT growth does not track with projections, the percentile ranking will fall. You can learn more about the rit scale here, including ways that guides might use this data point.

Why are my child’s scores so different from year to year?

It is very common for students’ scores to fluctuate from year to year. The goal is to see a trajectory of growth across the assessments. Two common factors which can significantly influence growth between assessment windows are:
  1. Not spending enough time: When students do not spend adequate time taking the assessment, they are less likely to demonstrate growth.
  2. Not engaging with the assessment: Some students might correctly answer questions that are easy enough to solve quickly and guess on items that take more effort. This can lead to deflated scores.

What if I have more questions?

Please visit the Family Resource Center by NWEA for more information; in particular, reference this page for commonly asked questions about the assessment. Guides will be addressing MAP questions at conferences, but if parents have additional questions about MAP, please email Misty Mathis.

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