Commencement Practice for Seniors

Lady Bird Johnson Auditorium | 2313 Red River St, Austin, TX 78712
We will always take the time to ensure our commencement is a success by hosting a rehearsal with the seniors and all the key players involved in the ceremony. This event is REQUIRED for seniors to participate in the ceremony.

Be there on time!

We cannot begin without everyone in attendance. We hope to finish in one hour, but it could take up to two hours without everyone’s participation. This all has to do with everyone being cooperative and arriving at the venue on time. 


Lady Bird Johnson Auditorium in UT Austin's School of Public Affairs
2313 Red River Street, 78712


Park In Lot 40 to avoid being towed. Here is a handy map.
If you are parked in the lot for the LBJ Presidential Library, you are in the wrong lot.

Spring Campus

List of 1 items.

Creek Campus

List of 1 items.

River Campus

List of 1 items.

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