
Montessori Primary

Primary Child's Universal Motto

Help me to help myself!

Our Primary Montessori Program is an "aid to life" perspective.

Located on our Springs Campus at 6305 Menchaca Road, our Early Childhood Montessori program serves children from 18 months to 6 years. This campus is located just south of Stassney Road and is a combination of three buildings and lots of space to play outdoors. 

The Primary program is designed with the knowledge that children entering this stage of development from 2.5 to ~5 years of age are increasingly capable people, eager for new and broader learning opportunities and social explorations.

The young child's Absorbent Mind has now reached a conscious state of being. At no other time in life is learning so effortless, as within this special time of development, quite naturally allowing the child to incarnate life experiences into the very fabric of his/her being! We believe that every child deserves to have an exceptionally planned and well-prepared learning environment, precisely intended to aid in the Primary child's self-construction. We follow these promptings with great reverence and regard for individual growth.

The role of the Primary teacher is to prepare the learning environment and to act as a personal guide to each and every student: to recognize readiness, to follow personal interests, and to illuminate the way on the child's journey through active discovery.

Each classroom has their own courtyard for outdoor work and play. Primary students also enjoy their Primary playground where students from each class get to play together. We also have our Peace Garden and Movement Yard for additional activities. We are also fortunate to have many beautiful trees shading our spaces.

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  • Learn More About Our Primary Curriculum

    In Primary, we have the unique honor of introducing the world to the child! Our Primary Montessori Curriculum includes a wide range of interconnected, age-appropriate learning materials, in the areas of Practical Life, Grace and Courtesy, Language, Handwriting, Mathematics, Science, Geography, Culture, and the Arts. Curriculum lessons are given individually or in small group settings. Each lesson is specifically designed to isolate a particular concept and to facilitate the skills of order, concentration, coordination, and independence. The child is free to select the work that he/she most desires and to repeat it as often as the need is alive to do so. Hands-on, self-correcting materials allow the young child the ability to repeat and refine these budding concepts, again and again, until they are integrated into his/her self construct.

    We strive to facilitate growth for the Whole Child in Mind, Body, AND Spirit. While our Montessori curriculum nurtures intellectual and physical growth, our Social and Emotional curriculum attends to the heart of the child. Special attention is given to navigating positive social interactions, bringing consciousness toward personal rights and responsibilities, such as respect for others and care of one's emotional self, and support in navigating effective problem solving-strategies and practices. The Social and Emotional aspect of our Primary program curriculum is absolutely essential to the overall well-being and emotional security of every child, and so it is with great reverence and intention that we approach these interpersonal aids to life. The Primary years lay a very solid foundation for a life-long love of learning, optimism and positive personal growth.
The Montessori Guide is first an observer, then a facilitator, guiding the child toward ever-expanding concepts of interest and ability.

Springs Campus

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Creek Campus

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River Campus

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