Student Life

Peace Education

Peace education is paramount to us.

When students know how to engage others with respect and empathy, they realize their own power to solve conflict peacefully. At Headwaters, Peace Education at every age is central to our culture. Young children learn the importance of being in community and how to resolve their interpersonal conflicts. Older children practice embracing difference and leading with curiosity and an open mind.
We believe that the best way children learn about the power of peaceful, healthy communication and conflict resolution is through practice.
We dedicate precious time to the ongoing teaching of communication skills, from discussions with the whole class to one-on-one coaching. With each passing year, children acquire more and more sophisticated tools for problem-solving, tools that they then have active support to practice as real problems arise. Each class reflects on interpersonal and intrapersonal dynamics on an ongoing basis. In regular classroom community meetings, children experience the satisfaction of exchanging authentic accolades and raising their genuine issues and concerns. They then brainstorm positive responses to engender the changes they seek. We share periods of intentional silence as a class and learn about simple, practical tools for centering. Academically, we examine and celebrate peace leaders and movements throughout history. As the children learn about the challenges we face as a world community, they are inspired to design and implement service projects.

Spring Campus

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Creek Campus

List of 1 items.

River Campus

List of 1 items.

As a 501(c)3 non-profit school, Headwaters School does not discriminate because of race, color, creed, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or any other classes protected by federal, state, or local law in its admissions, financial aid, hiring, or board membership processes.