The River Campus Middle and High School Community is celebrating its annual Civil Rights Day on Monday, January 23, 2022. This year’s theme is “Redefining Equality for ALL.”
On this day, we will have a special schedule for the entire campus. All students will need to be at school by 8:20 a.m. and will be dismissed at 3:00 p.m.
This year’s Civil Rights Day theme is “Redefining Equality for All.” This theme is a way to umbrella the important social and political issues surrounding the lives of so many here in Austin and beyond. Through this day, our students will learn more about John Lewis and his life of “Good Trouble” starting in the Civil Rights Movement and how it continues on even today. We will explore LGBTQIA+ rights with Civil Rights Advocate Ash Hall as they talk about building bridges to become good advocates. And then in the afternoon will be spent in breakout sessions on topics ranging from bodily autonomy versus bodily integrity, ableism, voting, prison reform, consent, supporting trans youth, feminism, cultural literacy, inclusivity, and more.
As a school community dedicated to advocacy and peacemaking, we educate our students about the world around them and its history. Part of that learning comes from events and activities that reaffirm our commitment to peace education as can be seen in the school’s Purpose statement to "cultivate identity formation, foster empathy, and embrace diversity to bring more peace to the world."
Due to capacity constraints, this event is for students-only.

Day Schedule & Details
Schedule for Monday, January 23, 2023
8:00 | Campus Open
8:20 | Students to Advisory for attendance & walk to the Central Public Library
9:00 | Film Screening of John Lewis: Good Trouble
10:30 - 10:45 | Break
10:45 - 11:45 | Keynote Speaker: Ash Hall
11:45 - 1:00 | Lunch
1:00 - 1:10 | Back to Advisory for Afternoon Attendance
1:15 - 2 | Session 1
2:00 - 2:15 | Break & Travel
2:15 - 3:00 | Session 2
3:00 | Dismissal
4:30 | School Closed
Important Details:
Students will not need their school supplies (including laptops) for this day. You are welcome to bring your lunch and re-fillable water bottle. If you are presenting, please bring what you need.
The shuttle will run as usual.
The Food Trailer will be open. We encourage students to
pre-order lunch before 10 a.m. on Monday, 1/23 so your lunch is ready to pick-up. No food deliveries.
MS Athletics Practice will run as usual from 3:15-4:15 p.m.
Guided Study will run until 4:30 as usual.
Student Expectations:
If anyone arrives past 8:40, go straight to the library
MS does not have off-campus lunch unless with staff. HS can eat off campus. Please be on time at 1 to your advisory.
Please do not leave your seat to use the bathroom during the keynote speaker (unless an emergency)
Breakout sessions will have attendance and are not optional. Once a session is full, please go to another session.
Students will be given the opportunity to sign-up for sessions in advance. We will do so in Advisory the week before. Please choose one session per period. This system will send an email reminder, too.

Film Screening: John Lewis: Good Trouble
MPAA rating: PGMPAA explanation: Thematic material including some racial epithets/violence, and for smoking
Directed by acclaimed filmmaker Dawn Porter, John Lewis: Good Trouble chronicles the life and career of the legendary civil rights activist and Democratic Representative from Georgia. Using interviews and rare archival footage, John Lewis: Good Trouble chronicles John Robert Lewis’ 60-plus years of social activism and legislative action on civil rights, voting rights, gun control, health-care reform and immigration. Using present-day interviews with Lewis, now 80 years old, Porter explores his childhood experiences, his inspiring family and his fateful meeting with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in 1957. In addition to her interviews with Lewis and his family, Porter’s primarily cinéma verité film also includes interviews with political leaders, Congressional colleagues, and other people who figure prominently in his life.
Content Warnings: The film contains archival footage of Lewis as a young civil rights leader in the 1960s, including several moments of peaceful protesters facing brutal beatings and hoses at the hands of uniformed officers and armed White civilians. The “N” word as well as the word "Negro" are used several times, and adults are shown smoking cigarettes.
Learn More:

Keynote Speaker: Ash Hall, LGBTQIA and Civil Rights Advocate
We are so excited to welcome Ash Hall, LGBTQIA and Civil Rights Advocate. Ash (They/Them) will join us in the morning at the Austin Public Library downtown location. They will speak to students after our documentary film.
Learn more about Ash:
Afternoon Breakout Sessions
See details, times, room numbers, and descriptions
at this link. Students and Guides, please see your email for the session lists with names.